The Forum Foot Clinic

3 Georgian Passage 
East Street
Blandford Forum

DT11 7DX

Routine Podiatry treatments

Routine Podiatry Appointments

In a standard Podiatry/ Chiropody appointment all aspects of routine foot care will be carried out.

This includes

  • Toenail cutting
  • Reducing thickened toenails
  • cutting of ingrown nails
  • Corn removal
  • Callus reduction
  • Asses skin conditions
  • Verrucae reduction

Please allow 30 minutes for a routine appointment.

Your first appointment will include taking a detailed confidential medical history including discussing any current medications.

A thorough assessment of you feet will be carried out to asses the feet and monitor any changes.

Your foot care needs and treatment plan will be discussed.

All treatments are carried out with instruments that have been cleaned and sterilised to 134 degrees in an autoclave and are vacuum sealed in individual packets and each set is only used on one patient.

A moisturiser will be applied to your feet at the end of the appointment.

Advice is given on how to care for your feet and suitable footwear.

The rate toenails grow depends on each person but it is recommended that toenails are trimmed approximately every 6 -8 weeks. If nails are left to grow too long, they can become uncomfortable, cause ingrown toenails that can become painful.

Using a Podiatrist to cut your toenails will ensure that they are cut correctly and reduce the risks of complications. Advice on foot Health and the correct foot ware is also given.


Routine appointment £35.00

A routine appointment last 30 minutes which is ideal for routine foot which covers routine care; trimming and burring of nails, removal of multiple corns and callused skin.

In some situations such as severely calloused skin it require more than one appointment due to time restraints.

Short appointment £20.00

This is appointment usually lasts around 15 minutes and will need to be agreed by the Podiatrist that this is suitable for the patient.

One treatment to include 

  • nail cutting 
  • one corn 
  • small amount of callus

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