The Forum Foot Clinic

3 Georgian Passage 
East Street
Blandford Forum

DT11 7DX


During your appointment

Please allow 30 minutes for a routine appointment.

Your first appointment will include taking a detailed confidential medical history including any current medications.

A thorough assessment of you feet will be carried out to asses the feet and monitor any changes.

Your foot care needs and treatment plan will be discussed.

All treatments are carried out with instruments that have been cleaned and sterilised to 134 degrees in an autoclave and are vacuum sealed in individual packets and each set is only used on one patient.

A moisturiser will be applied to your feet at the end of the appointment.

Advice is also given on how to care for your feet and foot ware.
Neurovascular Assessment

For New patients  if necessary a neurovascular assessment will be carried out at your first appointment, subsequent yearly appointments and are free of charge. 

A neurovascular assessment assess circulation and sensations of the foot.

This is essential for diabetic patients and patients with a high risk foot as a neurovascular assessment can help with early diagnosis of foot problems

I do ask that prior to your appointment nail varnish is removed. If you are unable to do this I can remove it for you. Nails can not be cut if there is nail polish on them.

It is recommended that nails are trimmed about every 6-8 weeks, this depends on the individual as rate of nail growth differs in individuals.  
Business Hours

Monday- Friday 9am-5pm
Evenings and Saturdays on request.

Please call us on 01258 451345


email at

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